miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2007

Farewell to 2º A-B

It seems that this course is about to finish. We have all worked hard and I hope that your results will be much better than what we expected just a few weeks ago. It has been a pleasure to be your teacher and I wish you all the very best. Don't forget to come to our school if you need any help with your English in the future (and I bet you probably will), or just come to say hello!

As a farewell present, I leave you a good game in English. It's The Idiot Test. Have a try and you'll feel as stupid as me when I tried!

I'd appreciate it if you could leave some comment about the course, the English classes, the exams, etc. If you write your e-mail address we can keep in touch if you want to hear from the school. You can write in English or Spanish!

Thanks for your patience and attention.

viernes, 27 de abril de 2007

Empezamos bien

En clase de mis alumnos de 1º G hablamos el otro día de The Beatles y la canción "Yesterday". Muchos de ellos no la conocían; por ello, me gustaría poder cogerla de Internet y colgarla en mi blog para que pudieran oírla. Espero que el próximo día en el curso podamos hacerlo.

¡Creo que ya lo tenemos! Por favor, mirad a ver si funciona y dejadme algún comentario (¡decente, por supuesto!) Gracias.

Sacado de youtube.com